There’s nothing I can do to change how you feel

There’s nothing I can do to change how you feel, but I can show you a mirror to what is possible.

Tools are just objects unless you know how to put them to use.

August 22 we begin our deep dive into sound healing and sound baths with SEE 1. This is the first level of the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program, and PERFECT for beginners.

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The SEE (SoundEmbrace) Level 1 Sound Healing Training is a LIVE, virtual, interactive learning experience including sound healing sessions, meditations, group discussion, practical application, and community support. This training is the first of four levels that certify you to become a Sound Healing Facilitator in the SoundEmbrace Method and is open to everyone.


Learn how to guide yourself and others in sound bath sessions.

Develop your intuitive abilities.

Build an understanding and language around sound bath experiences.

Discover the potential of sound to heal.

Access to the SoundEmbrace Network platform designed to help you stay connected to the community long after the class has ended.

No previous experience or instruments are required. (Crystal Bowl or Himalayan Bow recommended to get the most out of this class)

Sign up now! And share of you feel sound healing is a powerful tool for transformation.