There’s something magical that happens when we come together as community.

There’s something magical that happens when we come together as community.⁣

WE create a spark that ignites faith in hard times.⁣

WE protect the fuel that keeps the flame alive.⁣

WE fire up new levels of strength because its breath is love!⁣

Wednesday, October 20 we will gather in community at the beautiful outdoor amphitheater at Callanwolde for an EPIC heart opening full moon ceremony with 7 Sound Practitioners. ⁣

This full moon session is designed to clear out stuck energy, cleanse the places needing healing, while filling and reshaping perspectives around what is possible. You will be unearthed by the shimmering harmonics of multiple gongs, heart opening and grounding by shamanic drumming, and soothed by the etheric sounds of quartz crystal singing bowls. ⁣




SoundEmbrace sound baths sessions are meant to help you live a life you love waking up to everyday. Each session is intentional and facilitated to evoke transformation. ⁣

Help us spread the word on this powerful session by: ⁣

1. Purchase a ticket to REVIVE and then share on IG and FB that you are going. Tag us and we will ReShare!⁣

2. Gift a ticket to someone you care about and/or sponsor a strangers ticket.⁣

3. Share this post with your friends and family along with how sound bath sessions have supported you! ⁣

Together we will spark the fire that lights the way, and warms the soul, so that when we look up at that expansive Georgia sky, we remember that we are not alone in this world and our simply being is worthy of everything we desire.

Link to sign up for REVIVE!