It’s no longer a “WOO” thing to say. ⁣

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It’s no longer a “WOO” thing to say. ⁣

As more and more scientists, and doctors study the mind-body connection, we know without a shadow of a doubt! that the body is connected to our mind. ⁣

When we feel tension or discomfort in our bodies, there’s something happening on a deeper level. We may be holding something energetically or emotionally that has manifested physically.⁣

Wednesday, August 18 join me in person at @fullcircleatl new location for what may be an intense sound bath experience. Intense in the way, that this facilitation’s intention is to move this energy, and perhaps release stuck emotions in the body that are keeping you in monotonous feedback loop. ⁣

Those of you in the SoundEmbrace membership, grab your headphones, and get cozy! You can tune in virtually for free! ⁣

(The link will drop the week of.) ⁣

I already have 5 sign ups! So sign up now. This session is already filling up!⁣