I don’t have orange to wear today

I don’t have orange to wear today, but I do have an orange mug to sit with in going inward on this day of remembrance.

Today is orange T-shirt day, a National Day of Remembrance for Indian Residential Schools.

“Currently 6509 Indigenous children have been unearthed from unmarked mass burial graves.”

This is heavy. This is raw. Another chapter of mourning from yet another uncovered truth of our collective history.

Looking at how the choices of my ancestors weave into the tapestry of our present understanding and perspective in which we operate, while feels overwhelming and bigger than me, further feeds the fire within to continue this challenge of weaving a new collective pattern.

We have to continue to look at what our ancestors have done… The truth telling has always been there. We have just not been receptive. Just like not dealing with your own shadow, collectively we are being forced to look at the wound we have turned our backs on.

Sitting with this.