
Sometimes you need a reminder of why you do what you do... my day at Kate's Club came at just the right time.

Sometimes you need a reminder of why you do what you do... my day at Kate’s Club came at just the right time. So many of the kids came up after to individually thank me for how relaxed or calm they felt.

Deep breath.
Keep going.
You are doing great work.

<3 Danielle

I love these moments... these “beyond words” moments.. they catch you off guard and make you feel a certain way.

I love these moments... these “beyond words” moments.. they catch you off guard and make you feel a certain way. Surprised. Seen... that feeling like what you do and who you are matters. It gives you a moment of great pause in a world where we are always ON. the times you send me your testimonials of how this work has impacted you 💕
... times where people just show up when they know it means something to you💕
...times where someone calls you out on the story you’re telling yourself 💕
...times where someone calls you out on the bad spelling and grammar for the stories you are telling 😂💕
... the time someone you like calls you “babe” for the first time 💕
... times when someone reaches out because they are inspired by your story and want to interview you on their podcast 🤯💕

Pause. Wow. Episode 18 is Available Now on Thrive Beyond Cancer Summit where I was interviewed by Tekquiree Chenell where we discuss Sound Therapy, Sound Baths, How Sound Therapy helps your body go into its own natural state of healing, how Sound Therapy makes you more aware and connected, how Sound Therapy creates an environment for you to be still, and how the sounds around you influence your well-being. Check out the link in her bio Thrive Beyond Cancer Summit to take a listen.

<3 Danielle

Wonder and Reflextion.

“And today I wonder... how will I bring more magic into my life.. more passion.. more me.” And as I reflect I realize that magic is in everything, that I bring the passion, and I get to choose to step into the shoes of me everyday.

And when I don’t feel the magic, the passion, or have a craving to be MORE me, it means I am not living in alignment. I am out of balance. And I have lost my sense of self somewhere.

Monday, July 23RD is the start of a 7 week class to support you in bringing in a little more magic, a little more passion, and a little more YOU into your life! Every week we will meet online to explore each of the 7 main Chakras. Each week you will receive tools to work with including: a 5min Sound Bath meditation, a pdf of the affirmations for that chakra, a list of the essential oils and crystals to support that chakra, as well as the Toning Meditation of the Seed Sounds for each Chakra. During our online video call, I will lead you in a guided meditation, you will learn about that chakra and the tools given to you to use in a way that you will be able to apply it in your daily life to create balance, find even more joy, and magic!

Don’t worry if you miss a call! I gotchu! All calls will be recorded and the replay will be sent to the group (only). I have set up a private FB group as well, so we can come together in community with our experiences and to cheer each other on.

If you have come to my sound baths before, then you know how important learning about the chakras is to help you figure out your experiences. I want to empower you with the knowledge and experience to decipher these experiences for yourself. You deserve to live a life you love! Let’s align so that there is more magic, more passion, and more YOU!

For this series only! $35 

<3 Danielle


My insecurity…

Insecurity is one of the major issues affecting relationships and more importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves. Feeling insecure can lead to anxiety, depression. Insecurity can prevent you from being open to new opportunities and going after your dreams.

One insecurity I find myself in constant conversation around is in finding a romantic partner who will accept me around my work in Sound Healing. Fully accepting my passion for helping people in this way, being excited for me in my BIG VISION, the need to be vulnerable and feel safe in sharing my experiences in feeling and seeing energy, and the need to retreat to nature to recharge… preferably with him.

Saying an affirmation is only a gateway to a mirror in which you look at yourself.  And I mean REALLY looking at yourself.  Becoming a witness to the belief systems in place and emotions around what is holding you back.

For me, saying “I am Secure” brought up a subconscious belief of my insecurity that I will not be loved or accepted by a romantic partner because the work I do is weird and so are my experiences. In asking myself more questions, I realized the experience that this belief is linked to, and that the feeling associated with it is of heart break, sadness, and feeling misunderstood.

What are ways you can empower yourself to feel more secure?

For me, its to date. It’s to share what I do unapologetically. 
It's to show up and be visible! It’s to invite him in to an experience and see if he accepts. It’s to be me, unapologetically me, living in alignment of my truth even it makes someone else uncomfortable.  Living in alignment with your truth weeds out what you don’t want to make room for what you do want. But it starts with taking personal ownership and responsibility of the role you play.  Do this, a nd “I am Secure” will be come a way of life.

See you at a sound bath soon!

<3 Danielle

As more of you open, speak your truth, and step into your purpose, living authentically aligned and unapologetically you...

As more of you open, speak your truth, and step into your purpose, living authentically aligned and unapologetically you, you are going to face some difficult times. Times of immense stress that if not managed, can manifest in physical ways. With all that is currently happening in the world, I believe we are being challenged to BE more. To DO more. To LIVE purposefully. That is why I feel that I must create this sound healing app. I believe that NO ONE has to live in pain. I believe this so strongly that I am being challenged to BE and DO more. Living purposefully to create a tool that will make this change by affecting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body supporting the reduction of pain and stress. 
This app is a tool for transformation. There is only 5 days left in my crowdfunding efforts and I need your help. Donating even just $5 is extremely helpful. Asking your friends and family to donate $5 is a game changer!

Thank you for your love and support

<3 Danielle