
They Are You Judging You Anyway

When we don’t feel fully expressed we tend to feel disconnected... disconnected from friends, partners, ourselves, spirit. We may start to feel directionless. Lonely. Like no one really understands us.

I was feeling all of these things. I had this belief that I had to make myself accessible and approachable. That all my hard work and credibility would be challenged... that no one would take me seriously. I’m 5 feet tall, petite, don’t look my age, and I am playing in an arena with 50+ year olds in the corporate and medical space who judge my looks before my credentials. (I know a lot of you here have experienced this in one shape or form - culturally, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc.)

When the awareness around my self expression came in I stared to see the internal conversation unfold around all the fears of being Fully Expressed. In the call today with my coach she said, “Danielle, don’t worry IF people will judge you. They ARE ALREADY judging you. So why not just be expressed?”

It’s something I say to my clients... and it was reflected back to me in just the bold, forward talk that my brain and body needed to shake me out of the FEAR:
The fear I have of loosing credibility. 
The fear I have of loosing respect. 
The fear I have of not being taken seriously. The fear I have of failing in getting the message out about the power of sound healing! 
The fear I have of I will be perceived as TOO MUCH for a someone in a romantic relationship.
The fear I have of that tattoos will scare people away from my message. 
The fear I have of I will not have close female friendships...

I go back one more time to Like the River Salon where @ginaj_hairsmyworld will take my hair all the way white. I’m checking in to your recommendations for tattoo artists. And I am squashing these fears. Once small action at a time. I am being loyal (@intentionallygray ) and loving to myself. People are going to judge you no matter what. They are going to judge your confidence. Your hair. Your style. Your smile... they are judging you based on their own filters and life experiences. Do you, because they are gonna judge anyway and you are not going to make the impact in the world you want to make by accommodating to what you THINK others are thinking. And you are sure not going to enjoy this ride called Life!

Thanks so much for the love and for following this story. I hope that it inspires you to me the fullest expression of yourself. 💕
