
💕See you next week.

💕See you next week.

<3 Danielle

This day, and everyday, look into gratitude.

This day, and everyday, look into gratitude.

Gratitude is the walking of the talk. We are settling in to the time of year of warm wishes and lots of food. We are reminded of who and what we are grateful for, defining our desires and goals for the future, and slowing down (if for just a moment) to really look into someones eyes. It feels like a warm blanket has been put around us and we are smiling ear to ear with joy for simply being.

Are you in that feeling yet?

Take in this feeling. 
Close your eyes.
Really feel it.
Savor it. 
Take it with you.
Commit it to memory.

Because as we move through the season and excitement of our New Years resolutions we tend to loose sight of this feeling. We tend to loose sight of the abundance that surrounds us. We tend to forget what we are grateful for. So, take it in. All of it. And if you are not there just yet, look around for it. It's there waiting for you to embrace it.

This day, and everyday, look into gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving <3

<3 Danielle

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Oct 4th / 12:47pm /San Francisco, CA

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Oct 4th / 12:47pm /San Francisco, CA. //

It's my last few hours in SF. The tour is over. I'm sitting in one of my favorite cafes thinking about the trip. Taking in what I have accomplished. Letting what I have learned about myself during this time settle. After a month away, it will be nice to sleep in my own bed, laugh with my housemates, and have a home cooked meal. More to share soon. But for now, it feels like a time to sit with everything with gratitude.

<3 Danielle