music therapy

Evening Cup Introspection/ Chai Tea / Sept 12th / 4:49pm (Philadelphia, PA)

Evening Cup Introspection/ Chai Tea / Sept 12th / 4:49pm (Philadelphia, PA)

Asking for help is hard. Especially when that help has a dollar sign attached to it! I think that’s the hardest part of running this crowd funding campaign. Limiting thoughts come in about my own worth like: If I don’t make my goal, what are people going to think about me? If they don’t donate, does it mean they don’t believe in me? 
Then, I think about all the traveling I am currently doing to promote the campaign. The limiting thoughts come crawling in again: Man.. what if they cant see donating because I am traveling? I wish I could tell everyone that these trips actually pay for themselves and would not be coming out of the fundraising money. 
The way I combat these limiting thoughts so they don’t paralyze me is to actually acknowledge them and allow them to have a voice for a VERY brief period of time. It’s not easy. Mostly because it forces me to witness my own insecurities, and who really wants to do that! Ha! But if I didn’t, it would fester and grow, and I probably would have given up on the project a long time ago! But I’m not! And I am not giving up on you! Consider donating $1, $2, or $5 to my campaign to help people relieve chronic disease caused by stress. Sound Healing is a non invasive way to empower people to relieve stress and take control of their health story.

Thank you!

<3 Danielle