There are shifts and changes in the cosmos that happen every 7 years

I was reminded that in astrology, there are shifts and changes in the cosmos that happen every 7 years that influence the energies in our lives in major ways.⁣

And each cycle offers its own challenges and rewards. If we confront these lessons with courage, honesty, and sincerity, the lessons will be mastered and our psychological and spiritual development will bring forth great rewards. ⁣

I’m not an astrologer but every time I lean into astrology, I just can’t deny the wisdom and opportunity that it is imparting on us to make a new choice.

Today is actually the autumn equinox! What are you shedding? Release what you no longer wish to carry into the next chapter of your life and make room so new opportunities.⁣

Here are a few astrology peeps I follow. Who do you follow/tap into?
