Can Anyone Buy Sound Healing Instruments?

You are absolutely right! On one hand, this is a good thing! On the other, well, if you don’t know what you are doing you can certainly cause more harm than good!

On the good side of it, these instruments are relatively accessible to start a self meditation practice. This is helpful in finding self empowerment for yourself and creating that time to learn to self regulation.

On the other hand, I still recommend that there is some training for the beginner. You may have immense detox symptoms and need to be able to know what these are and how to prep your nervous system to handle the vibration.

There’s no governing body for Sound Healing to maintain standards of best practices and ethics. There are many programs, classes, workshops, and “Certification Programs” popping up all over the place without any real validity, extended knowledge in the practice of health, coaching, or trauma. And good intentions are really only that. Good intentions. If you do not have extensive training you really don’t know what responsibility you really have as someone facilitating this work.

Danielle Hall

Founder and CEO of SoundEmbrace LLC, Danielle Hall is shifting perspectives around empowerment while leading a team of trained Sound Practitioners to elevate the sound healing industry, and serving the mental health and wellness of our communities.

With nearly a decade of experience in the field, Danielle has worked with adults and children transitioning through various traumas including PTSD, depression, sexual abuse, digestive issues, and physical pain, using specific sound tools and techniques to facilitate change in the health and wellbeing of her clients.

Currently working on her Masters in Holistic Health, Danielle has her Certification in Sound Healing Therapy and has worked with Hospitals, Corporate Wellness Programs, Therapy Centers, and Non Profits. As a member of the American Public Health Association, and the Georgia Health Association she has spoken on platforms educating on how sound as a therapy is a non invasive complementary approach to wellness. Danielle is also an advocate for musicians rights as an Associate Member of the Recording Academy.

She has been named a "Pioneer in the Sound Healing Industry" by the Shift Network and interviewed on CNN, Fox 5, and 11Alive.