3 of 4 Levels of Sound in Nada Yoga

The third level of sound is where the visual world and auditory world intersect and eventually overlap and merge.

So on the radio sound effects are used to help us visualize a place or circumstance and on television sound effects are used in the same way to enhance an on screen location or represent an off camera action.

So first it is a sound picture; this visual of an object, a place or a person summoned by a specific sound. Even a place or situation we may not have experienced can be built by sound.

Sounds can provide a pathway for our memory that triggers parts of a picture that we then assemble into this whole.

Second it is also possible to hear an abstract sound and generate a visual narrative like an internal movie. We do this with our intuitive imagination. We can get a feeling from the music and imagine a scene to go with it. Going a step further we can also construct an abstract picture of the sound itself. It's a picture that's not really identifiable as an object that we might see in our waking life, our real world. It can be either a visual of the whole sound or visual representations of the notes. This intersection can float both ways. Not only can a sound generate a visual but a visual can generate a sound. An internal picture of someone we remember may cross over into hearing something that they said. In any visual, moving or still image can have its own soundtrack in our mind.

Check out www.SoundEmbrace.com to claim your spot in Level 1 (SEE1) of the Sound Healing Certification Program, Sign up for a FREE consultation call, or sign up for The SoundEmbrace Membership where you will have access to Sound Healing tracks on demand!