Students Thankful for the SEE Sound Healing Community

One of the things I hear often from new students is how thankful they are for the community and FINALLY feeling like they belong.

So many of you, myself included, get into this work and usually don't have the community who is already speaking about these topics, let alone having these experiences!

I want you to know that you are not alone.

When someone starts to "wake up" to themselves, what is possible for their life, and how magical it can be... it can actually be scary! Why? Because sometimes we don't have people around us who are living it to show us it is safe, that we can make a living, that we are not crazy! And so what happens? Here comes self sabotage! And we fall into old habits.

That doesn't have to be you!

Just a couple more spots available. Share this with your friend who you feel is a healer.

Check out to claim your spot in Level 1 (SEE1) of the Sound Healing Certification Program. We begin in August 22!