Testimonial 1

Students Thankful for the SEE Sound Healing Community

One of the things I hear often from new students is how thankful they are for the community and FINALLY feeling like they belong.

So many of you, myself included, get into this work and usually don't have the community who is already speaking about these topics, let alone having these experiences!

I want you to know that you are not alone.

When someone starts to "wake up" to themselves, what is possible for their life, and how magical it can be... it can actually be scary! Why? Because sometimes we don't have people around us who are living it to show us it is safe, that we can make a living, that we are not crazy! And so what happens? Here comes self sabotage! And we fall into old habits.

That doesn't have to be you!

Just a couple more spots available. Share this with your friend who you feel is a healer.

Check out www.SoundEmbrace.com to claim your spot in Level 1 (SEE1) of the Sound Healing Certification Program. We begin in August 22!

SoundEmbrace Certification Program Changes Lives!

The techniques you learn in the Sound Healing Certification Program changes lives!

It will change your life!

It will surprise you in ways you cant even image!

What do you want life to look like? To feel like?

Do you believe you can be a part of making the world a better place?

You can live a life you love waking up to everyday! Feeling passionate about the work you do, feeling good in your body, and feeling connected to something greater.

Class starts Sunday.

Check out www.SoundEmbrace.com to claim your spot in Level 1 (SEE1) of the Sound Healing Certification Program.

Connecting the Dots on Sound Healing Experiences

The SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program brings together many different types of sound healing experiences so that you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the experiences as well as become inspired to what is possible.

The more you go to experience the work yourself, the more you will have an understanding of the types of experiences your participants will have. One of the best parts is that all the students share their experiences on the private platform so that you learn how understand and connect the dots. This not only serves to give you more confidence, but this will support you in connecting the dots for your clients understanding.

Check out www.SoundEmbrace.com to claim your spot in Level 1 (SEE1) of the Sound Healing Certification Program. We begin in August 22!

"Sometimes there are no words for beauty, only emotions." Jayde Eaton

"Sometimes there are no words for beauty, only emotions." Jayde Eaton

Every class, every track, every meditation has a purpose in the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program that builds upon the next. And one of the things I help you with through out the program is to acclimate your nervous system to working with this much vibration.

If you don't take the time to build your bodies resilience to the amount of vibration you will receive when you are facilitating for others, you can get VERY SICK.

Check out www.SoundEmbrace.com to claim your spot in Level 1 (SEE1) of the Sound Healing Certification Program. We begin in August 22!