Let’s take the guesswork out of getting into Sound Healing!

Let’s take the guesswork out of getting into Sound Healing!

Sign up now for a free complementary consultation call, or! Sign up now for level one of the SoundEmbrace sound healing certification program. You don’t need any previous experience, nor do you need any instruments to get started.

This is where it gets good! And level one we will cover singing bowls of all types and I will break down how to get started in Sound Healing. You will learn the Ergonomics Month, how to prep your nervous system, and begin the steps of building the foundation of a sustainable sound healing business.

Take the guess work out by working with someone who has already been where you want to go.

You will save time, money, alleviate so much stress in trying to figure out the path, and align with the direction you want to go in your life.

Registration closes Wednesday, August 3. Payment plans available. Click soundembrace.com for more information and to sign up now. Time is running out for the last round of classes this year.