Life needs you to remove the things that are in the way.

Life needs you to remove the things that are in the way. When you do, you are making room for something new to come in. Something better. Something you may not even be able to imagine!

What would life look like if you were living in alignment with your truth?

What type of relationship could you have?

What type of work would you be doing?

What adventures would you go on?

What creativity would you be opened up to?

What magic would you call in?

What impact could you make...

If you let go of what keeps getting in your way...If you let go of what keeps holding you back... imagine what life could be! Say it with me, “I am READY!”

Animation by A.W. Barwick and original imagery by Charlotte Berndsen.

Recording and Mixing Engineer Luke Campolieta Mastering by Martina Albano.

<3 Danielle

Wow... thank you all for coming out!

Wow... thank you all for coming out! It fills my heart when I see a full room because it’s a sign that you are experiencing transformation and seeing the value of this work. We are all part of the same tribe. And when we come together like this it reminds us that we are not going at this thing called LIFE alone. Thank you Kelsey Reed from Innercise Yoga for an awesome collab, and Atlanta Yoga Collective for hosting us today!

I’m getting goosebumps for Wednesday’s Sound Bath at Studioplex! Not only has Transcend Healing Massage invited us back, but! You will experience 14 quartz crystal bowls and Kea Beverages will be there to help ground you with some delicious kombucha and juices! Let’s relax what needs relaxing! Let’s move what needs to be moved! Let’s find clarity and shift perspective! THIS. IS. YOU. TIME!

<3 Danielle

You’ve been asking when I am teaching this class..

You’ve been asking when I am teaching this class.. well, here it is! Are you ready for a full day intensive that will give you firm foundation for your sound healing practice?

Sound Healing 101 serves to give Sound Healers a foundation to this growing field of Sound Healing, as well as introduce Sound Healing to those who are curious about it. 
Students will gain the foundation needed to add sound as a therapy in their established health and wellness businesses, start their own sound healing practice, use in their music recordings, or use sound healing for their own personal health and well being.

Why am I teaching this?
Sound Healing is on the rise. The media is talking about it. Hospitals are adopting new frequency technology for treatment. And we are starting to hear about it more and more within our communities.

With this new found buzz, we are seeing a wave of interest in new practitioners to the field. We are witnessing the growth of Sound Healing in classes, coaching sessions, and in music production. The danger, is that a lot of them are untrained and unaware of how sound affects the body and what they may be doing to their clients.

This class will empower you to create a session that supports your clients on their path to healing. 

Here are a few reasons why we need you:

• On average, there are 123 suicides per day.

• Anxiety and Depression affect 40 million adults each year.

• 100 million Americans are living with Chronic Pain. • 11.9 million Americans have Cancer

• There are 14,000+ substance abuse facilities in the U.S.

With the complexities of health care demands. Sound Healing is a non-invasive healing method that compliments traditional medicine.  Sound Healers play a role in setting the body up to go into its own natural healing.

<3 Danielle

Some days we are in flow and some days not. 

Some days we are in flow and some days not. 

When we are not, its easy to get down on ourselves. All the shoulda, coulda, woulda's come out and the negative self talk spurs up. Becoming aware of how you talk to yourself about yourself is a powerful awareness! This new awareness allows you the opportunity to make change in your life. Most of the time, the very thing that is holding us back from flow, is our self. (PS! This is best listened to with headphones at about mid volume 😉)

A.W. Barwick gave this original still in number two by Warren Keelan life! "It is closer to how I see the still picture in my mind." Please check out their beautiful work and follow them! This was the perfect image for this track!

Recording and Mixing Engineer Luke Campolieta Mastering by Martina Albano.

<3 Danielle

ATL -Heads up that early bird $$ end in just a 3 days!!

Heads up that early bird $$ end in just a 3 days!! Link in Dirty South Yoga.

We are thrilled to be sharing an immersive experience in high frequencies. We will be giving a 60 min teaser of our retreats Feel the Vibration Retreats✨ at 330pm on Saturday 7/21!!
+ Check out this years awesome lineup with all the local flavor of ATL’s yoga cOMmunity❣️

<3 Danielle

You made it through Monday!

Well! You made it through Monday!

How was it for you? Mine was a work from bed kind of a day. I go through waves of feeling most productive working in different spaces. The past week I have been working from my bed, the week before, I was set up on my back porch, and the week before that, my co working space at Plywood People! You may be surprised at what comes up for you when you take a moment to slow down and listen to your body. Try for one day putting your awareness on the spaces you feel more productive, lighter, happier… If you are still feeling the Monday blues, take a listen to the video above. This will be helpful in relieving a little stress, and hopefully shift your perspective on Mondays. You got this! (and YES! This is a snippet of one of the tracks that will be on the app! Are you excited yet?!?)

Recording and Mixing Engineer Luke Campolieta  Mastering Martina Albano.

<3 Danielle

Hey there!

Hey there! I have noticed that there are A LOT more of you following here on the good ol Instagram, so I thought I would reintroduce myself! Awesome to connect with you here! My name is Danielle, and I am the Founder of SoundEmbrace.

For most of my life I was on again, off again sick. And the sad thing was, I thought this was normal. That THIS was what life was for me. But when I turned 28, something BIG happened... I became NOT my “normal” sick! I was losing my hair, had jabbing pains in my uterus, had lumps in my breast, chronic constipation, losing the enamel of my teeth, piecing migraines, just to name a few… I remember it very clearly, it was an emergency room trip, I was by myself, and I was wearing a hospital gurney sitting on the doctor’s table waiting for him to come back into the room to take me through the next round of tests. The doctor comes in, picks up my chart and says, “Well, Ms Hall. If we don’t find out what’s going on with you, you’re going down a really dark road.” And then… he leaves.

THIS HAD BEEN MY LIFE FOR 28 YEARS!!! I knew what it was to be sick. I had never been scared for my life, but sitting there, by myself, hearing those words… I ​became​ scared.

Sometimes it takes something to shake you out of your everyday… something to shake you from your own thoughts, your​ old belief systems and social programming, something to shake you out of what you THOUGHT you had to accept as being your life, to make you MOVE. To make you SEE differently. To make you AWARE.

I didn’t feel what healthy actually felt like until I was 28 years old. And when I did… I was angry! Angry at myself that it took 28 years to find out why I was sick, 28 years before I learned to be curious and seek out answers, 28 years to not being open to alternative therapies that ultimately gave me a second chance at life!

<3 Danielle

What is Memorial Day, How is this different from Veterans Day, and What the HECK does any of this have to do with Sound Healing?

What is Memorial Day, How is this different from Veterans Day, and What the HECK does any of this have to do with Sound Healing?

Well, Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the military.

Veterans Day is a day set aside to thank and honor all who serve or have served, both in wartime or peacetime, and whether they died or survived.

And now about that Sound Healing!

With the war brewing through the 1940s, there became more and more initiatives to help the soldiers continue fighting. With drafting numbers reaching close to 500,000, the Army along with other Defense institutions began to make military bands which would serve the purpose of boosting morale in the Home Front, while at the same time keeping Patriotism and Nationalism at an all-time high.

The point? Music is a fundamental part of our evolution.  Its evolution tells the story of where we have been, and where we currently are.

Imagine being in the hostile situation of fighting for our country.  Living in a space of uncertainty, gunfire, and death. Then, imagine that for a brief moment you close your eyes, take in the sounds of the military band and let it take you away somewhere, anywhere safe… this may be one way you use music, today. This is a form of Sound Healing.

Military Band. 
Punk Band. 
Rock Band.
Country Band.
Pop Band.
Sound Bath.

Music has the power to excite, inspire, and motivate.  And as we remember our fallen, we remember the music that brought pride, expressed anger, and instilled faith. 
Sound is the release. The release is the healing.

See you at a sound bath soon!

<3 Danielle



With all the things happening around me these past two weeks, I have been thinking a lot about the importance and power in holding space.

What do you do when the “OUGHT NOT” to happen, actually happens? The unthinkable… Its been the kind of week where people I care about (friends and family) want to throw gratitude out the window, and lash out! Curse God, and name blame!

And really… what can I really do for them but hold space? As a sound practitioner, holding space is part of the job description! It’s a mandatory element to creating successful sound healing sessions.

Holding space is creating the environment for someone to be vulnerable. It’s knowing that it’s “not about me”, and giving my full presence to that person or group. Holding space is not about having the answers. It is the process of witnessing and validating someone else’s emotions without judgment.

You may have heard the phrase, “Create the container” or something similar. We say this because Holding Space means you are creating a safe space (a container), and the opportunity for someone to be, or express, whatever it is that is needed at that time. Creating a container and holding space, gives others strength to navigate difficult times and emotions.

Now, this is not something only sound healing practitioners need to do. This is something each and every one of us can take into all our relationships and encounters. Anything from holding space for your partner when they just needs to express their day, or a friend who may have experienced something unjust. Holding space can be brought into nearly every situation. When was the last time you needed to hold space for someone or someone held space for you? What was the topic? How did you hold space for them?

In love, with love I hold space for your process, and your healing.

<3 Danielle

I had never heard of a Sound Bath and now i’m obsessed!

“I had never heard of a Sound Bath and now i’m obsessed! It feels hard to explain until you’ve experienced it, but I would describe it as some sort of magical combination of the best meditation session, nap, & orgasm you’ve ever had! 
It’s a full body, transcendent experience & release like nothing else I’ve experienced. Things that I didn’t even know were blocked & stuck in my body started shifting & releasing and I felt so much freer afterwards. I felt so much peace within myself.” - Your Wellness Story

I’d love to share more stories of how this work is supporting you. May I share yours? PM me. (I’m not adding names) ❤️

<3 Danielle

I am constantly inspired by those who have the courage to step out of the life they don’t want, say YES to themselves, and begin living in alignment.

I am constantly inspired by those who have the courage to step out of the life they don’t want, say YES to themselves, and begin living in alignment. That is where healing begins. That place where you discover you are no longer going to stand for the pain, the hurt, lack of passion, or the “situation”, and become curious about how life can be different... then, actually start making steps. One tiny baby step is all it takes. One tiny baby step can speak volumes and echo in the ears of those in similar situations, giving THEM courage to do the same. My sound baths have created the opportunity for both women and men to experience depth to stillness that releases tension and pain, offers clarity of mind, and awareness’s that BLOW YOUR MIND. I am in AWE of the stories that are coming in right now. I have cried! I have laughed! I have been at a loss of words! I hope you are all up late drinking cervezas tonight, dancing under the moon, celebrating life because THIS LIFE is worth celebrating! You are worth celebrating! YOUR STORIES are worth celebrating! And I can’t wait to share Your Wellness Story! You inspire me. Whether or not you choose to add your name, your Wellness Story will echo in the minds and inspire others on their path. Sign up for a sound bath. Share your story with me. And together, WE will inspire others to take that tiny baby step toward a better life.

<3 Danielle

I saw everything...

“I saw everything... and in that moment I knew what I needed to do. I needed to stop blaming myself for what happened. I needed to give myself permission to love myself. And if I could do those things, everything would get better. And it did. I still have a long way to go in my healing, but ​I have​ already witness​ed​ the changes​ in myself​ just from going to 2 sound baths. Thank you.” -Your Wellness Story

I’d love to share more stories of how this work is supporting you. May I share yours? PM me. ❤️

<3 Danielle

Sometimes I struggle with what to say to people about my work…

Sometimes I struggle with what to say to people about my work… It doesn’t feel as easy as someone saying “I am accountant” or “I am a Doctor” or “ I am a Pet therapist”. (Does that exist?)

I usually say that I help clients relieve stress and reduce pain through sound healing therapy. That works, right? Maybe, but it doesn’t really express the feeling, or depth of the work I do.  It’s so much more than that! After years in the industry, I think I am just now getting closer to those words.

I guide clients in finding a voice to their pain, their stress, and their unhappiness. In finding that voice, my clients are then able to empower themselves in making the change they want to see in their lives.

That’s what I do! That’s pretty cool!

If you are curious about what I do, or are going through something, lets chat! I may be able to help.  I may not.  But hey! It’s a free consultation, and we may have a few laughs.  If anything, at least you will know you are not alone on your wellness journey.

Click on SE Health and then Schedule a Session. Choose the Free 30 minute session. Lets FaceTime, Google Hangout, or come see me at my office in Cabbage Town!  Even if you are not local to Atlanta, there are ways that I may be able to support you.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

<3 Danielle

THIS Saturday we do it again!

THIS Saturday we do it again! Join Caron Christison and I at Highland Yoga in Virginia Highlands for Yoga + Sound Bath! That extended savassana is going to feel REALLY good after building all that heat! If there is room, I may even join you for the flow! 😉

<3 Danielle

Harvard Business Review recently did a study...

Harvard Business Review recently did a study where they told groups of colleagues to share embarrassing stories about themselves in the first 10 min of a brainstorming session and it proved to be increasing the creativity and flexibility in the workplace. Is the secret sauce in trying to impress less and just making space for a little vulnerability? ... here is something about me: I have a BIG THING about calves! It’s a deal breaker in dating! Really! I get all flustered and loose my words! Hahah! Share something embarrassing or funny below! I can’t wait to read it!

<3 Danielle

Can I get an YEEEES for SEX and MEDITATION!?!

Can I get an YEEEES for SEX and MEDITATION!?!

What do sex and meditation have in common?  Well, just like in meditation, sex generates more brain cells in the part of your brain (the hippocampus) that is responsible for information retention.  Well, research suggests that sex and meditation make you smarter!

Both support us in relieving stress, boosting memory, strengthening your immune system, and create feelings of deeper connectedness to your lover, and the people in your life. OOOHH gotta LOVE that oxytocin!

Before I knew what life was like in a healthy body, I had accepted what I thought at the time, was a FACT: I am not desirable.  I was low self-esteem pushing a smile!  On the rare occasion that I did feel pretty, I knew it wouldn’t be long before the bloat, the gas, the migraine, or feeling lethargic would come over me. Sexy right?!?! And when it came to SEX!  Well…

Fast forward to post diagnosis: NON GLUTEN Danielle.  Age 30, and feeling sexy for the first time in my life! For me, it was through awareness around how food affected my body, and through sound healing meditation was able to empower myself to make changes. Sound Healing transformed the cocktail of hormones I had been drinking for the first 30 years of my life! Now, feeling sexy is not something that’s foreign to me. And sex?  Well… 😉

Comparatively, there is an increase in the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of knocking boots or adopting a regular mediation practice!  I say, WHY NOT DO BOTH! Just think how much better the world would be!  YEEEES!!!

<3 Danielle

There is a time for being and a time for doing...

There is a time for being and a time for doing... We must allow time for both. 
If we are willing to go within and allow for stillness, profound healing can occur mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Surrender your burdens for just an hour, and take time to strength your mind, body, spirit connection at today’s sound bath.

Click Calendar above, We have a few spots available! Looking forward to seeing you and hugging it out!

<3 Danielle

Working with grief :

Working with grief : Growing up as a military kid, I didn’t have the opportunity to get to know my extended family. We moved every 2-3 years so the people closest to me were my parents, and siblings. As a kid that moves around a lot, you learn to adapt and make friends knowing that, that connection may be short... and all the more reason to cherish it and love that person as hard as you can! At least that was what my experience was of it... My Grandpa Chuck passed away a few days ago... and I am just now feeling (or just now allowing myself to feel) the sadness. And I am noticing that it is a different type of sadness. When my other grandparents passed on, the sadness was of not having the opportunity to really get to know them. But with Grandpa Chuck, I had that opportunity when I moved to SF in 2004, and I am experiencing the grief differently. How do you deal with grief? Well, day by day... minute by minute. Right now, I am working with grief to celebrate Grandpa Chuck and the impact he had on my life. I made space for it. I made some coffee. Drinking it out of a mug he bought me. I’m sitting here writing this, and looking out the window allowing my heart to be open and express itself how it needs. Feeling grateful to have known him, and grateful for having the opportunity to love hard, knowing it was received, and to feel that love in return.

<3 Danielle

I believe in all of these things! ESPECIALLY the kissing!

I believe in all of these things! ESPECIALLY the kissing! 😍

I hear your testimonials on how my sound bath sessions make you feel after the session but I often wonder about the days that follow… how you are taking these experiences into your day to day? Do you feel better? What changes have you made? Has your perception around a situation changed? What are you doing about it? 

When it really comes down to it, I’m not JUST dinging bowls and banging a gong, I am facilitating an opportunity for you to relieve stress and the chronic symptoms it creates, as well as have more awareness around why you have the stress or ailment in the first place. It’s THIS awareness that allows you the OPPORTUNITY to CHOOSE to make change in your life. And I BELIEVE you can. I BELIEVE you can live a life you love waking up to everyday. Do YOU believe you can, too? Photo by The Real Diamonde.

<3 Danielle

My interest in the mind-body-spirit connection didn’t occur over night.

My interest in the mind-body-spirit connection didn’t occur over night. It was through my own health journey that I was motivated to seek out answers to the chronic symptoms I was experiencing. Through this search, I have discovered a power I didn’t know I had to under go radical transformation.

Your health, business, or relationship goals are not going to fit in a “one size fits all” package or program. And here’s another thing, the starting line isn’t revealed until you can be real with yourself and take personal responsibility for your actions​...​ or in-action. ​So, take action. Come to one of my sound baths this month. (the next one is THIS Wednesday the 7th) You don’t have to live in pain. The answers you are seeking are within. So stop reaching outside of yourself. Slow down with me this month, for 1 hour. See you soon!

<3 Danielle