A repost and beautiful reminder from

A repost and beautiful reminder from Mary Lloyd.

<3 Danielle

I need towels! 😅

I need towels! 😅

Totally random... But I started a towel drive! 😝

If you have any old towels you would throw away (frankly don’t mind giving away!), including hand towels, face cloths, dish towels etc, I would love them for the next phase in sound proofing my Crystal Bowl Showroom/ Healing Space.

The towels don’t have to be pretty. They can be any size, color, and ideally washed.

I am hoping to have everything by Monday/Tuesday if possible. 😅 I'm not sure how realistic this is. But I'm just putting it out there!

I will be at The Center for Love and Light Atlanta all day today and tomorrow. Please DM me for drop off. I’m not sure I can pick up because I have to be here for the contractors.

This is in Atlanta, GA. (Just in case 💕)


<3 Danielle.
#towel #space #design#soundproofing #atl #atlanta#daniellehall #entrepreneur #ladyboss#creative #space #creativespaces

There’s always going to be a lot going on.

There’s always going to be a lot going on. And because of that, it’s more important than ever to .::::breathe::::

Next Sound Bath is at Bar Method Atlanta-East Cobb.
Sign up and then all you have to do is show up, lay down, and relax in sound.

<3 Danielle

Big ideas can come in small packages.

Big ideas can come in small packages.

Don’t underestimate who you are or what you can do. It’s so easy to talk ourselves out of doing something we’ve never done before, yet it’s the thing we’ve never done before that can bring so much joy and excitement into our lives!

This build out of my tiny studio space is amazing! My nails are dirty. My body aches. And I’m sleep deprived. I’m doing a lot of things I’ve never done before, like... using a crowbar, and power tools! 😂

I’m juggling that big project while also keeping up with my regular sound healing work, and maintaining relationships. It’s a lot... I’m not going to lie. But just imagine YOU doing one small thing you haven’t done before... and then doing a lot of small things you haven’t done before... and next thing you know! You have the courage to do something a little bit bigger or exciting that you haven’t done before! Then, you look back and can see how you have prepared yourself for this moment, THIS BIG THING all along.

You’re doing great! Keep striving. Keep pushing. Dirty nails. Body aches... in this context I would say, life is pretty great!

<3 Danielle

When there are no words... hold space.

When there are no words... hold space.

There is something really special that happens at my sound bath sessions where the people who need each other the most end up coming together at the same session. If you're one who usually stays after a sound bath, you know.

This Sunday’s mini retreat was no different. Except... for one thing. It left me with no words.
We came together and shared about life, death, and transition.

We felt the vulnerability, bravery, and immense love and light emanating as each individual shared what they felt and why they were there.

It was raw. It was truth. It was beautiful.

I usually feel something intuitive come through but on this day, nothing. No words. All I could do was to hold space for them in their journey. And sometimes that’s all we need to do to support someone on their path. Be the witness of what is coming up for them so they feel heard.

What a way to honor the beauty, grace, and divine love within each soul who showed up, each soul who couldn't be with us, and each soul who has passed on.

<3 Danielle

Love Amplified.

Love Amplified.

It took my mom 7 years to have a baby.

When I asked her about the experience of finally being able to have a baby after 7 years of trying she said, “I didn’t realize how little I knew about love until you were born. I didn’t know I had the capacity to love that big. It was like Love Amplified.”

Mother’s Day is tomorrow... I invite you to think about what you’re coming into this world meant to her... to your mom.

The moment you were born and your mom met you for the first time, and experienced Love in a way that’s hard to express. That moment when she experienced Love Amplified.

Love is Divine. It is something within all of us. There are 4 spaces open for you to join me for a mini retreat I am producing called “Love Amplified- Connect with the Divine Within.”

Yes it’s on Mother’s Day, but it’s not just about moms. It’s about you. It’s about love. That love so big that lives inside of each of us! That LOVE we came from. It’s about remembering and connecting to that Divine spirit within.

<3 Danielle

Sonido Sound Healing Mara Rosaria Shana Nunnelly



Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in... and out...

As you sit, become aware of your physical body. How your hair rests on your neck...The weight of your phone in your hands as you read this... with your next inhale, Imagine your body getting smaller... and smaller... shrinking to the smallest point you can imagine. Stay here for just a moment.

Now, imagine expanding. Getting bigger. And bigger. So much so that you become bigger than your car.. bigger than the place you live, skyscrapers... even bigger still until you are bigger than the planet. Stay here for just a moment.

Expansiveness. Personal Power. Love. It is all inside of you. Take a deep breath in... and out... That is the Divine Within.

Now imagine yourself coming back to your original size. Smaller and smaller until you feel the weight of your phone in your hands, how your hair rests on your neck... feeling that connection to your body.

We have all chosen this incarnation to experience in a physical form and this physical form is what we have called human. Open your eyes. You are the Divine.

This Sunday afternoon, May 12 we will gather for a mini retreat right here in Atlanta and connect to that source of strength within. I will be joined by Sonido Sound Studio, Shana Nunnelly and Mara Rosaria to create an experience through tarot, earth meditation, Qi gong, and sound sound healing to connect to the Divine with in. We are looking forward to taking you on this journey.

<3 Danielle

Get out of your own way!

Get out of your own way!

Taking a moment to feel what it meant to me to present at the Georgia Public Health Association Conference today... but to also relate it back to you.
I submitted my presentation in October of last year. I did it as a way for me to visualize and go through the actions and feelings of what it would be like to submit, give the talk, and make my approach of someday getting sound therapy into hospitals. I researched the format, watched countless tutorials, pulled together my case studies, and put it all together in this package called an Abstract. I never thought I would actually get chosen. 😳

From the outside, you don’t get to see all the work and all the people who came together for me to do this 30min presentation. The 7 years in the industry. The 4 years of working to create sustainable sound therapy programs specific for corporate clients and therapy centers. The time teaching and mentoring up-incoming Sound Therapist. The programs I have invested in to help propel me forward. The time other people put in to support my moments of doubt, or time to help create the programs or experiences you have with me. (So many people to list!) Everything. All of it.. prepared me for today. And pushed me over the edge to something greater!

The same goes for you. Where are you getting in the way of your own evolution? You are feeling “on the edge” of something greater for a reason. You have been preparing for this change (in whatever area of your life it is) for a while. Get out of your own way, NOW! That’s when things really start to get interesting. 💕 .

<3 Danielle

Where to Start + Evolving Forward

💌 Where to Start + Evolving Forward

Sometimes we just don’t know where to start.

Where to start in business?
Where to start in believing in ourselves?
Where to start in having healthier, stronger relationships?
Where to start in…

It can be an overwhelming internal conversation to have with yourself. Understandably so! When you are starting something new, you may not even know the questions to ask to begin a conversation around it!

Start here: Start with the feeling.

How do YOU want to feel in your business or work?
How do YOU want to feel in your body?
How do YOU want to feel in your relationships?
How do YOU want to feel…

When you have this conversation with yourself you start to realize whose opinions are dictating your actions. It may not be your own!

Here are some things I can help you with starting…

Where to start in Sound Healing?
+Check out my Sound Healing 101 class and my Sound Healing Certification Program

Where to start in your health journey or have healthier, stronger relationships?
Book a private appointment with me at my new office, private coaching via Zoom (if you travel a lot or live elsewhere), or come to a sound bath.

Where to start in feeling better in your body, deepen your meditation practice, or connect with spirit?
+Come to a sound bath... same as above :o)

Where to start in your heart centered business?
Check out the details for my new class called “Sales as a Spiritual Practice”. Class is Saturday July 29th!

You don’t have to walk your new path or direction alone, but it may require you to do some things you’ve never done before. Don’t quit. Pull strength from where you have succeeded in the past, and evolve forward. (Link in bio for classes and sessions) .

<3 Danielle

Why is it hard to believe that something so simple can create the change you want to see in your life?

Why is it hard to believe that something so simple can create the change you want to see in your life?

Sign up.
Lay down.
Close your eyes.
Relax in Sound.

Wednesday, May 8th is a BIG DAY! At 11:30am I will be speaking on Sound Medicine at the GA Health Association conference, and that same night I will be facilitating a sound bath at The Center for Love and Light. If you are there, you will be the first to hear how it went... and I will take all the hugs I can get! 💕

Make moves or make excuses. It’s time for change.

See you Wednesday! (Just a few spots open)

<3 Danielle

The moment you make a new choice... get ready! It’s going to feel uncomfortable.

The moment you make a new choice... get ready! It’s going to feel uncomfortable.

Keep perspective.
Keep moving.
Evolve forward.

Next Sound Bath is this Wednesday the 8th. I’ve lessened the amount of tickets available to make it more comfortable for you. ❤️

Mini retreat (here in ATL at my new studio) May 12. Sign up now. Limited available tickets to give the best possible experience. 🥰

<3 Danielle

Sometimes you need a reminder of why you do what you do... my day at Kate's Club came at just the right time.

Sometimes you need a reminder of why you do what you do... my day at Kate’s Club came at just the right time. So many of the kids came up after to individually thank me for how relaxed or calm they felt.

Deep breath.
Keep going.
You are doing great work.

<3 Danielle



Human, broken down, is the combination between spirit being and dirt body.

Hu (Humas) : meaning dirt.
Man : meaning spirit.

Our physical bodies contain all the elements of the Earth. And when we die, the vehicle in which our spirits traveled in during our time on this planet, returns to the Earth that created it, and our Spirits rise from that Earth and return home.

The divine union of our dirt bodies and spirit is something to be celebrated. ☀️This process of coming in, and the evolution of spirit. Sunday, May 12 Sonido Sound Healing, Mara Rosaria, Shana Nunnelly and I will be creating a special mini retreat to connect with that divine within.

We are bringing together different ceremonial practices in a mini retreat here at my new headquarters at Zonolite Park Nature Preserve in Atlanta (ITP) ( The Center for Love and Light ) to have an experience of connecting with that Power, that Peace, that Divine spirit within.

This is open to men and women. I look forward to seeing you soon!

<3 Danielle



Food, drinks, music, craft market, silent auction, inflatables for the kids!
Please join us THIS FRIDAY at Zonolite Park!

The block party benefits the Zonolite Park Nature Preserve, and I have a booth where I will be selling some products with 100% of the profit going to support the SoundEmbrace Give Back Program.

I will also be running a raffle ($5!!!!) for a chance to win a private sound bath for up to 4 people!

Starts at 5:30pm Ends at 8:30pm.

<3 Danielle

Random Pile of Records

Random Pile of Records

I shared with a few people that I had a record player to start doing some intentional listening. The problem... I had no records. 😅

Next thing I knew they gave me a box, bags, piles of random records. 🤗

SO! With this generosity, I am of course going to listen to ALL OF THEM! The good, bad and the ugly! I am going to share them on my IG Story. I would love if you listened with me, if even for the few seconds they play. 👩🏼‍🎤

I’m open to receiving more random piles of records if you have them to give. Should be interesting! 🥰

<3 Danielle

Tomorrow we lay out!

Tomorrow we lay out!

I know some of you are waiting in anticipation for Sunday nights episode of Game of Thrones! But just before that, join me for a sound bath at Westside Yoga Atlanta!

Get your Sound Bath on, AND make it home in MORE THAN enough time to catch your episode! The best way to wrap up your weekend! ... Im looking forward to it too!

<3 Danielle

Sometimes you just need a 20” Heart Bowl to sing you awake. 💕

Sometimes you just need a 20” Heart Bowl to sing you awake. 💕

Next Sound Bath this Sunday, the 28th at Westside Yoga Atlanta. Lets hug it out!

<3 Danielle

1 on 1(Sound Healers, too!)

1 on 1
(Sound Healers, too!)

I had a max of 3-4 private clients a month. Now I have a space to invite you all into!

While my group sound bath sessions are amazing for self care and relieving stress, here is why 1 on 1 sessions are more Helpful, Productive, and Cost Effective for personal goals and intentions.

1 Goal Specific: We do an assessment, create a plan, and work the plan. I use specific instruments and techniques that are specific to your goals and intentions for our time together.

Physical pain? Stress? Navigating emotions? Trying to figure out your next move? Looking for inspiration or to connect more spiritually? Different goals, different instruments + techniques.

2 Accountability: I check in, give homework, and make suggestions based on your goals. I stand beside you on the journey you’re on.

3 Meet milestones sooner: you not only save time, you are saving money! Think about it... how much are spending on aspirin? How often are you in pain or tired? How often are you NOT doing the things you want to do or that make you happy? Nothing changes unless SOMETHING changes.

Sound Healers: Book a private session, bring your sound healing questions, and/or instruments and I will show you other sound healing techniques to support you in your facilitation. Our time together will be whatever it needs to be. 💓🙏🏽💓

Right now I have an introductory offer for sessions booked in May and June. If you end up LOVING your session, I will extend the offer into my package rates. Book as many as you would like for this rate with sessions in May and June. 🥰

The cool thing, is that you can even book for small groups at this introductory rate (up to 4!) 🦸🏽‍♀️👨🏻‍🚀🦹🏼‍♀️🧛🏼‍♂️

You deserve to feel good in your body. You deserve to feel confident and secure. You deserve to live a life you love! Sign up and let me facilitate a 1 on 1 session designed specifically for you. ❤️

<3 Danielle

The reality is... everything is working in your favor.

The reality is... everything is working in your favor.

It’s hard for me to say that without hearing others voices pop in saying: :
“Well, what about all my health issues?”
“What about him/her cheating on me?”
“What about me not having money?”

Your health issues are working in your favor to show you how to better take care of your mind body connection.

Him/her cheating is working in your favor to acknowledge what you will except in a relationship, awareness of your self worth, and if that person respects you.

Not having money is working in your favor to help you stay humble and have gratitude for when you do have money, it strengthens your ability to adapt, and develops your work ethic.

I’m not saying that what is in your favor is easy. Wow... IT SUUUUCKS!! I’ve had the health challenges... I’ve been in less than ideal relationships... I’ve been homeless... and when you are there, it’s really hard sometimes to see that THIS situation is being provided as an opportunity.

But here’s the take away... your beliefs dictate your actions and your words. And if you believe that the hard times are set forth in your favor, invisible doors will open.

Today, I am healthy.
Today, I am surrounded by loving relationships.
Today, I am prosperous!

And you can be too. It’s your choice.

<3 Danielle



Mothers Day is just around the corner. What are your plans? I am collaborating some pretty awesome women (Shana Nunnelly, Angelica-A Gurel and Mara Rosaria )to bring you a mini retreat so we can celebrate the Divine within.

Side note, you do not have to be a mom, and frankly, you do not have to be a woman to come to this. The Divine lives within each and every one of us. Through ceremony, we will breathe, move, and connect to that source.

You will also get a chance to see my new office! The Center sits on a beautiful nature preserve! Which we will explore in one of the meditations. ❤️ Sign up today. Link in Bio for Sunday, May 12th.

Next up! 
Relax in Sound Sound Bath at Westside Yoga Atlanta on Sunday, April 28th!

Relax in Sound Sound Bath at The Center for Love and Light Atlanta on Wednesday, May 8th!

Its all coming up so fast! Secure your ticket, and we will See you soon!.

<3 Danielle