The Story We Tell Ourselves.

When we have a thought, it is the story we tell ourselves, the belief system we have in place that dictates the feelings we are going to have and why we react the way we do.

“You can be the Master of your own mind, or you can be its Servant.”

I was reminded of this in a beautiful yoga + meditation class by Octavia Raheem & Meryl Arnett from Sacred Chill West at Dirty South Yoga Fest this weekend. & just as the Universe reminded me of this in those words, It also created an experience for me to practice it.

I was eager to make a get away after lunch to catch up on some things on my TO DO list. I was carrying a lot of stuff but managed to open my trunk, shove everything in, & close it, only to find that I had then locked the key in the car.

I stood there for a moment, stunned, & said, “Ok, how can I empower myself in this situation?”

I looked at Hercules (My Fiat) w/disbelief.  Checked every door. Then looked in my hands to see what I had with me: My phone. My house key.  AWESOME!
“I have a spare at home!” So, I called an Uber. Got home, couldn’t find the spare…

Again, I asked myself, “How can I empower myself?” To make sure I wasn’t crazy, I called my friend Shana Nunnelly who was still at the festival to double check the doors of my car, JUST IN CASE I didn’t give enough OOF in opening the doors.  She checked. Still no luck. BUT she reminded me about roadside assistance. 
I called my insurance.  Then called another Uber to head back to the venue where I met a guy named Marcus who did a little balloon shimmy on my door, & BOOM, I was in!

5 years ago, I don’t think I would have had the stability of mind to keep things in perspective like I did yesterday.  I know this has to do with my work in sound healing, meditation and yoga.  Showing up everyday to our practice supports us in these less than desirable situations.

Tonight starts Aligned AF. A seven week online series where we explore the seven main energy centers of the body, and how to apply the information into your daily life with tools to come into alignment, and reach that place of awareness and stability. See you tonight!

<3 Danielle

I must, I will, I AM!

From where I sit…

Every month I have the opportunity to hear your stories.  I have the opportunity to be let in to the vulnerable parts of your lives, and play a part in your Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual growth. What an AWE-some role I get to play…  and I don’t take it lightly. •
Which is why I seek out mentors.
Which is why I make time to learn.
Which is why I meditate.
Which is why I share personal stories of success and failure.
If I am not doing my own due diligence, why would you?

I want to leave you with something to think about before tomorrows sound bath…

Pick an area of your life you are happy with and ask yourself , “What about this makes me happy?” Write that down.

Now, pick an area of your life you are not happy about.  Ask yourself, “ What about this makes me unhappy?” Write that down.

It doesn’t matter whether its your health, loving your work, having more energy, abundance in finances, fulfilling relationships, or passionate sex… it’s the story, the belief system attached to it that propels you forward, or stops you dead in your tracks from making progress!

Tomorrow night, I will invite you to be open to becoming aware of the belief and story you are attached to (even subconscious)  so that you can CHOOSE to turn your “I should’s” into “I must, I will, I AM!”

You have a choice to live a life you love.  You can show up and align, or you can blame and fail.  I’m not saying its easy or comfortable.  But the only way you are going to get what you want is to bulldozes right through it!

Ways I can support you:

1. Monthly Sound Baths (there is one tomorrow –Wednesday the 18th, $20)

2. Monthly Sound Healing Tracks – Sound Healing Session at  home ($20 a month)

3. Aligned AF : An online 7 part series to help you align with your truth, take action, and KICK AS*!! (Starts July 23rd, $35)

4.  1 on 1 coaching! (Starts when you say YES! $20 - $125)

5.  Sound Healing 101 (Gain confidence in your Sound Healing and Energy work! No experience necessary/ no instruments necessary Aug 18th)

Recognize that the resources you have been asking for are there for you, and take action. 📸We Heal Too.

<3 Danielle

I am Collected.

“I am collected.”

Our emotional state of being shows what we focus on. It’s the driving force for our decisions, and it can have an affect on our physical, mental, and spiritual body.

2016, I had just moved back to Atlanta. Once I moved back, I was essentially dumped from the organization that I moved here to work with. I was collaborating with them to create a certification program for sound healers. They had decided that they were moving on from the project without me and with a couple of people from Princeton. I was crushed. All of a sudden my internal story changed... I’m not smart enough. What do I really know about sound healing. What I have I really done for my clients or my industry... the pain from this disappointment knocked me clear off my path and vision. So much so, that I developed inflammation in the arteries of my heart, causing immense breathing issues. Once I saw my emotions through everything clear up, but I was still left with this past experience that jarred me.

That new internal conversation of “well, who am I to do this work?” almost ended my career in Sound Healing... but then I heard this teeny tiny voice from within yelling with all its might “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE NOT TOO!”

Thank GOD I listened to that voice! The organization wanted to partner with me for a reason… in the first 2 years of my career in Sound Healing I had a successful 1 on 1 practice (success to me at that time was the business was paying for the business and clients were reaching results.) I was also providing sound healing sessions for LinkedIn,, and had a successful monthly sound bath at Studiomix.

I started weekly Sound Healing sessions at Paradigm Therapy Center, where I now hire 2 sound healers in SF, and since moving back to Atlanta, have been able to build a sustainable sound healing business in less than 2 years working with corporate clients, having monthly sound baths, and teaching sound healing... WITH OUT the organization that originally wanted to work with me.

I share this because I almost quit. I almost let the situation and internal conversation decide that I was done.
Change the story, CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

<3 Danielle

Wonder and Reflextion.

“And today I wonder... how will I bring more magic into my life.. more passion.. more me.” And as I reflect I realize that magic is in everything, that I bring the passion, and I get to choose to step into the shoes of me everyday.

And when I don’t feel the magic, the passion, or have a craving to be MORE me, it means I am not living in alignment. I am out of balance. And I have lost my sense of self somewhere.

Monday, July 23RD is the start of a 7 week class to support you in bringing in a little more magic, a little more passion, and a little more YOU into your life! Every week we will meet online to explore each of the 7 main Chakras. Each week you will receive tools to work with including: a 5min Sound Bath meditation, a pdf of the affirmations for that chakra, a list of the essential oils and crystals to support that chakra, as well as the Toning Meditation of the Seed Sounds for each Chakra. During our online video call, I will lead you in a guided meditation, you will learn about that chakra and the tools given to you to use in a way that you will be able to apply it in your daily life to create balance, find even more joy, and magic!

Don’t worry if you miss a call! I gotchu! All calls will be recorded and the replay will be sent to the group (only). I have set up a private FB group as well, so we can come together in community with our experiences and to cheer each other on.

If you have come to my sound baths before, then you know how important learning about the chakras is to help you figure out your experiences. I want to empower you with the knowledge and experience to decipher these experiences for yourself. You deserve to live a life you love! Let’s align so that there is more magic, more passion, and more YOU!

For this series only! $35 

<3 Danielle


Last week someone called me a Bitch.

It started with a conversation about my work followed by her telling me that I was the nicest person she knew... BOOM! I was triggered!
I blurted out, “What does that say about you?” Damn... it was rude. It was not compassionate. And it was not what this person was ready to hear. Here was the conversation:
“Excuse me!!” (She rightfully scolded me!)
“I am so sorry. Really. You didn’t deserve that especially from for someone you just met.”

She let her guard down just a little to ask, “Well, why would your just say something like that!”
“You’re right. I don’t know you. I don’t know your life. It’s none of my business... I was triggered by what you said.”
“Why would that trigger you?” She asked. (A little less angry) “... I was triggered because I automatically made the assumption that if I really was the ‘nicest person you knew’ then that means you are saying YES to a lot of people who are not nice to you. And that thought makes me angry because you deserve to have people in your life who genuinely care about you and are nice to you.”

She was quiet. She called me a bitch. And she left.

I had to sit with this for a few days. Of course circling how I could have handled the situation better. Been more compassionate. Asking myself what the root of that anger that fired up on me… I didn’t have her email and I was hoping I would run into her again.

I was lucky... she looked up my website and emailed me!!! She shared about her life and that she had been saying YES to people who are not nice to her... who take advantage of her. She shared about her bad marriage. Her kids. Her recent health problems. About how much she is hurting and how much she hates life but didn’t know what to do... and how I triggered her!

And then she thanked me... she didn’t know what to do before... but now she did. She said it felt so good to call me bitch (hahah!) and stand up for herself but what I said was true.

I’m not saying to poke your nose in others business. I got lucky. I need to work on why that triggered me... but there is something to this. Where are YOU saying YES to people who are not nice to you? And what is the fear around saying NO or phasing them out of your life? Saying YES to them is saying NO to you. This is one way you can empower yourself. ...You deserve to live a life you love!

<3 Danielle


My insecurity…

Insecurity is one of the major issues affecting relationships and more importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves. Feeling insecure can lead to anxiety, depression. Insecurity can prevent you from being open to new opportunities and going after your dreams.

One insecurity I find myself in constant conversation around is in finding a romantic partner who will accept me around my work in Sound Healing. Fully accepting my passion for helping people in this way, being excited for me in my BIG VISION, the need to be vulnerable and feel safe in sharing my experiences in feeling and seeing energy, and the need to retreat to nature to recharge… preferably with him.

Saying an affirmation is only a gateway to a mirror in which you look at yourself.  And I mean REALLY looking at yourself.  Becoming a witness to the belief systems in place and emotions around what is holding you back.

For me, saying “I am Secure” brought up a subconscious belief of my insecurity that I will not be loved or accepted by a romantic partner because the work I do is weird and so are my experiences. In asking myself more questions, I realized the experience that this belief is linked to, and that the feeling associated with it is of heart break, sadness, and feeling misunderstood.

What are ways you can empower yourself to feel more secure?

For me, its to date. It’s to share what I do unapologetically. 
It's to show up and be visible! It’s to invite him in to an experience and see if he accepts. It’s to be me, unapologetically me, living in alignment of my truth even it makes someone else uncomfortable.  Living in alignment with your truth weeds out what you don’t want to make room for what you do want. But it starts with taking personal ownership and responsibility of the role you play.  Do this, a nd “I am Secure” will be come a way of life.

See you at a sound bath soon!

<3 Danielle

I am...

One of the most important conversations you will ever have with yourself starts with “I am”. What comes after that dictates the energy you are putting out into the world and what you are calling in.

This I AM, tells others how to treat you, how you let others affected you, and how you show up in the world. It’s what subconsciously makes decisions on your behalf.

You have a choice in what this life can be... one place you can start making RADICAL change is to become aware of how YOU are talking about YOURSELF.

If you haven’t noticed already, I started posting a weekly sound meditation with an affirmation.  Every Monday, I will post a new 1 minute video with an “I Am” statement. My hope… is that you will take at least 1 minute a week (1 MINUTE PEOPLE!) to sit in stillness, and listen to the sound meditation while saying the affirmation to yourself. Then, notice the shift.

What are some of your favorite “I am” affirmations?

<3 Danielle

Sound Healing 101.

A few common side affects to a sound bath are feeling thirsty, hungry , or having to go to the restroom after a session. In the upcoming Sound Healing 101 class we will cover the science behind these side affects and more! In your practice, it is inevitable that you WILL be asked WHY these things are happening. You NEED to have this information so you can guide your clients, guests, and students in a responsible way.

****You do not need to be a musician to be a sound practitioner.

***You will have the opportunity to play the instruments.

**You will walk out of this class feeling more confident in the sound work you are already doing.

*You will also gain some clarity if this is the career path for you.

1. You will learn the science of sound healing as a tool for transformation.
2. Practical application.
3. and experience tools and techniques.

Once you have a solid foundation, you then get to bring your own magic to the practice in a way that only you can!

Do you have any question? Anything you would like to have talked about in the class?

We already have some sign ups! Class is Saturday, August 18th. @wellnessbyanahi

<3 Danielle

Life needs you to remove the things that are in the way.

Life needs you to remove the things that are in the way. When you do, you are making room for something new to come in. Something better. Something you may not even be able to imagine!

What would life look like if you were living in alignment with your truth?

What type of relationship could you have?

What type of work would you be doing?

What adventures would you go on?

What creativity would you be opened up to?

What magic would you call in?

What impact could you make...

If you let go of what keeps getting in your way...If you let go of what keeps holding you back... imagine what life could be! Say it with me, “I am READY!”

Animation by A.W. Barwick and original imagery by Charlotte Berndsen.

Recording and Mixing Engineer Luke Campolieta Mastering by Martina Albano.

<3 Danielle

Wow... thank you all for coming out!

Wow... thank you all for coming out! It fills my heart when I see a full room because it’s a sign that you are experiencing transformation and seeing the value of this work. We are all part of the same tribe. And when we come together like this it reminds us that we are not going at this thing called LIFE alone. Thank you Kelsey Reed from Innercise Yoga for an awesome collab, and Atlanta Yoga Collective for hosting us today!

I’m getting goosebumps for Wednesday’s Sound Bath at Studioplex! Not only has Transcend Healing Massage invited us back, but! You will experience 14 quartz crystal bowls and Kea Beverages will be there to help ground you with some delicious kombucha and juices! Let’s relax what needs relaxing! Let’s move what needs to be moved! Let’s find clarity and shift perspective! THIS. IS. YOU. TIME!

<3 Danielle

You’ve been asking when I am teaching this class..

You’ve been asking when I am teaching this class.. well, here it is! Are you ready for a full day intensive that will give you firm foundation for your sound healing practice?

Sound Healing 101 serves to give Sound Healers a foundation to this growing field of Sound Healing, as well as introduce Sound Healing to those who are curious about it. 
Students will gain the foundation needed to add sound as a therapy in their established health and wellness businesses, start their own sound healing practice, use in their music recordings, or use sound healing for their own personal health and well being.

Why am I teaching this?
Sound Healing is on the rise. The media is talking about it. Hospitals are adopting new frequency technology for treatment. And we are starting to hear about it more and more within our communities.

With this new found buzz, we are seeing a wave of interest in new practitioners to the field. We are witnessing the growth of Sound Healing in classes, coaching sessions, and in music production. The danger, is that a lot of them are untrained and unaware of how sound affects the body and what they may be doing to their clients.

This class will empower you to create a session that supports your clients on their path to healing. 

Here are a few reasons why we need you:

• On average, there are 123 suicides per day.

• Anxiety and Depression affect 40 million adults each year.

• 100 million Americans are living with Chronic Pain. • 11.9 million Americans have Cancer

• There are 14,000+ substance abuse facilities in the U.S.

With the complexities of health care demands. Sound Healing is a non-invasive healing method that compliments traditional medicine.  Sound Healers play a role in setting the body up to go into its own natural healing.

<3 Danielle

Some days we are in flow and some days not. 

Some days we are in flow and some days not. 

When we are not, its easy to get down on ourselves. All the shoulda, coulda, woulda's come out and the negative self talk spurs up. Becoming aware of how you talk to yourself about yourself is a powerful awareness! This new awareness allows you the opportunity to make change in your life. Most of the time, the very thing that is holding us back from flow, is our self. (PS! This is best listened to with headphones at about mid volume 😉)

A.W. Barwick gave this original still in number two by Warren Keelan life! "It is closer to how I see the still picture in my mind." Please check out their beautiful work and follow them! This was the perfect image for this track!

Recording and Mixing Engineer Luke Campolieta Mastering by Martina Albano.

<3 Danielle

ATL -Heads up that early bird $$ end in just a 3 days!!

Heads up that early bird $$ end in just a 3 days!! Link in Dirty South Yoga.

We are thrilled to be sharing an immersive experience in high frequencies. We will be giving a 60 min teaser of our retreats Feel the Vibration Retreats✨ at 330pm on Saturday 7/21!!
+ Check out this years awesome lineup with all the local flavor of ATL’s yoga cOMmunity❣️

<3 Danielle

You made it through Monday!

Well! You made it through Monday!

How was it for you? Mine was a work from bed kind of a day. I go through waves of feeling most productive working in different spaces. The past week I have been working from my bed, the week before, I was set up on my back porch, and the week before that, my co working space at Plywood People! You may be surprised at what comes up for you when you take a moment to slow down and listen to your body. Try for one day putting your awareness on the spaces you feel more productive, lighter, happier… If you are still feeling the Monday blues, take a listen to the video above. This will be helpful in relieving a little stress, and hopefully shift your perspective on Mondays. You got this! (and YES! This is a snippet of one of the tracks that will be on the app! Are you excited yet?!?)

Recording and Mixing Engineer Luke Campolieta  Mastering Martina Albano.

<3 Danielle

Hey there!

Hey there! I have noticed that there are A LOT more of you following here on the good ol Instagram, so I thought I would reintroduce myself! Awesome to connect with you here! My name is Danielle, and I am the Founder of SoundEmbrace.

For most of my life I was on again, off again sick. And the sad thing was, I thought this was normal. That THIS was what life was for me. But when I turned 28, something BIG happened... I became NOT my “normal” sick! I was losing my hair, had jabbing pains in my uterus, had lumps in my breast, chronic constipation, losing the enamel of my teeth, piecing migraines, just to name a few… I remember it very clearly, it was an emergency room trip, I was by myself, and I was wearing a hospital gurney sitting on the doctor’s table waiting for him to come back into the room to take me through the next round of tests. The doctor comes in, picks up my chart and says, “Well, Ms Hall. If we don’t find out what’s going on with you, you’re going down a really dark road.” And then… he leaves.

THIS HAD BEEN MY LIFE FOR 28 YEARS!!! I knew what it was to be sick. I had never been scared for my life, but sitting there, by myself, hearing those words… I ​became​ scared.

Sometimes it takes something to shake you out of your everyday… something to shake you from your own thoughts, your​ old belief systems and social programming, something to shake you out of what you THOUGHT you had to accept as being your life, to make you MOVE. To make you SEE differently. To make you AWARE.

I didn’t feel what healthy actually felt like until I was 28 years old. And when I did… I was angry! Angry at myself that it took 28 years to find out why I was sick, 28 years before I learned to be curious and seek out answers, 28 years to not being open to alternative therapies that ultimately gave me a second chance at life!

<3 Danielle

What is Memorial Day, How is this different from Veterans Day, and What the HECK does any of this have to do with Sound Healing?

What is Memorial Day, How is this different from Veterans Day, and What the HECK does any of this have to do with Sound Healing?

Well, Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the military.

Veterans Day is a day set aside to thank and honor all who serve or have served, both in wartime or peacetime, and whether they died or survived.

And now about that Sound Healing!

With the war brewing through the 1940s, there became more and more initiatives to help the soldiers continue fighting. With drafting numbers reaching close to 500,000, the Army along with other Defense institutions began to make military bands which would serve the purpose of boosting morale in the Home Front, while at the same time keeping Patriotism and Nationalism at an all-time high.

The point? Music is a fundamental part of our evolution.  Its evolution tells the story of where we have been, and where we currently are.

Imagine being in the hostile situation of fighting for our country.  Living in a space of uncertainty, gunfire, and death. Then, imagine that for a brief moment you close your eyes, take in the sounds of the military band and let it take you away somewhere, anywhere safe… this may be one way you use music, today. This is a form of Sound Healing.

Military Band. 
Punk Band. 
Rock Band.
Country Band.
Pop Band.
Sound Bath.

Music has the power to excite, inspire, and motivate.  And as we remember our fallen, we remember the music that brought pride, expressed anger, and instilled faith. 
Sound is the release. The release is the healing.

See you at a sound bath soon!

<3 Danielle



With all the things happening around me these past two weeks, I have been thinking a lot about the importance and power in holding space.

What do you do when the “OUGHT NOT” to happen, actually happens? The unthinkable… Its been the kind of week where people I care about (friends and family) want to throw gratitude out the window, and lash out! Curse God, and name blame!

And really… what can I really do for them but hold space? As a sound practitioner, holding space is part of the job description! It’s a mandatory element to creating successful sound healing sessions.

Holding space is creating the environment for someone to be vulnerable. It’s knowing that it’s “not about me”, and giving my full presence to that person or group. Holding space is not about having the answers. It is the process of witnessing and validating someone else’s emotions without judgment.

You may have heard the phrase, “Create the container” or something similar. We say this because Holding Space means you are creating a safe space (a container), and the opportunity for someone to be, or express, whatever it is that is needed at that time. Creating a container and holding space, gives others strength to navigate difficult times and emotions.

Now, this is not something only sound healing practitioners need to do. This is something each and every one of us can take into all our relationships and encounters. Anything from holding space for your partner when they just needs to express their day, or a friend who may have experienced something unjust. Holding space can be brought into nearly every situation. When was the last time you needed to hold space for someone or someone held space for you? What was the topic? How did you hold space for them?

In love, with love I hold space for your process, and your healing.

<3 Danielle

I had never heard of a Sound Bath and now i’m obsessed!

“I had never heard of a Sound Bath and now i’m obsessed! It feels hard to explain until you’ve experienced it, but I would describe it as some sort of magical combination of the best meditation session, nap, & orgasm you’ve ever had! 
It’s a full body, transcendent experience & release like nothing else I’ve experienced. Things that I didn’t even know were blocked & stuck in my body started shifting & releasing and I felt so much freer afterwards. I felt so much peace within myself.” - Your Wellness Story

I’d love to share more stories of how this work is supporting you. May I share yours? PM me. (I’m not adding names) ❤️

<3 Danielle

I am constantly inspired by those who have the courage to step out of the life they don’t want, say YES to themselves, and begin living in alignment.

I am constantly inspired by those who have the courage to step out of the life they don’t want, say YES to themselves, and begin living in alignment. That is where healing begins. That place where you discover you are no longer going to stand for the pain, the hurt, lack of passion, or the “situation”, and become curious about how life can be different... then, actually start making steps. One tiny baby step is all it takes. One tiny baby step can speak volumes and echo in the ears of those in similar situations, giving THEM courage to do the same. My sound baths have created the opportunity for both women and men to experience depth to stillness that releases tension and pain, offers clarity of mind, and awareness’s that BLOW YOUR MIND. I am in AWE of the stories that are coming in right now. I have cried! I have laughed! I have been at a loss of words! I hope you are all up late drinking cervezas tonight, dancing under the moon, celebrating life because THIS LIFE is worth celebrating! You are worth celebrating! YOUR STORIES are worth celebrating! And I can’t wait to share Your Wellness Story! You inspire me. Whether or not you choose to add your name, your Wellness Story will echo in the minds and inspire others on their path. Sign up for a sound bath. Share your story with me. And together, WE will inspire others to take that tiny baby step toward a better life.

<3 Danielle

I saw everything...

“I saw everything... and in that moment I knew what I needed to do. I needed to stop blaming myself for what happened. I needed to give myself permission to love myself. And if I could do those things, everything would get better. And it did. I still have a long way to go in my healing, but ​I have​ already witness​ed​ the changes​ in myself​ just from going to 2 sound baths. Thank you.” -Your Wellness Story

I’d love to share more stories of how this work is supporting you. May I share yours? PM me. ❤️

<3 Danielle