When it’s good… Hold on!

When it’s good… Hold on!

Remember why you came in the first place. 
Remember what brought you back again and again.

A sound bath with me is a time to remember. 
Remember the time when you felt good in your body?
Remember the time you were pain free?
That time the mind chatter didn’t run your life?
That time you felt rested?
…That time you felt peace… whole.

There are a few opportunities to come see me for a sound bath this week and this weekend, however, tonight’s (Wednesday, Feb 20th) sound bath at The center of Love and Light and tomorrows (Thursday, Feb 21st) at Bar Method Atlanta- East Cobb are meant to support you in not just remembering… but GET YOU BACK to how you felt when you didn’t feel so heavy, tired, or scattered.

Hold on! Because things are about to get REAL GOOD! See you soon.💋

<3 Danielle



“The statistics on how many people actually follow through and accomplish their New Year’s resolutions are rather grim. Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them. “ Well, thanks Forbes!

80% of New Year's resolutions fail by February (the Nielsen analytics firm)

Are you feeling yourself fall off the wagon? 
C – Can’t find the time.
L – Lacking a game plan to keep you going.
I – Ignoring your commitment and falling into old patterns.
F – Frustrated with lack of early results.
F – Forgetting why you started.
(CLIFF brought to you by Golds Gym)

Don’t fall off the CLIFF! Don’t be part of that statistic!

Sure! Things happen! You have the gluten free chocolate cake with coconut ice cream from Barcelona Wine Bar even though you had it 3 nights in a row already! (YOU, too! It’s my favorite!) You impulse buy that extra gong from Dream Cymbals and Gongs instead of putting the money in your savings because you fell in love with its shimmer! (That shimmer, tho!) You go with the flow and let the night take you away in adventures even though you know you made an appointment to go to a gym class at 6:30am! 🤦🏼‍♀️ (Feel ALIVE!)

SO YOU LIVE LIFE! That doesn’t mean you completely stop your goals to improve and evolve your life and health for the better! Show yourself some compassion, finish that bite of cake, hit your gong, and be open to adventure!

Life is suppose to be joyful, full of love, laughter, adventure, and surprise! (At least it is to me!) And when it’s not, I look within. 
What belief do I have about myself? 
How am I talking to myself? 
Whose voices/opinions am I allowing to make decisions for me? 
Where can I empower myself in this situation?

Come to a sound bath and let’s see what’s really preventing you from moving forward with your goals? Then, we can help you stick to it! (Next Sound Bath is Wednesday, Feb 20th- link below for all available sound baths or visit About for more on Danielle -ME- and SoundEmbrace.com

<3 Danielle



Most of you know that I started the SoundEmbrace Give Back initiative last year with our first fundraiser at the Fernbank Science Center Planetarium. We raised just over $15,000 to bring Sound Healing Therapy into Kates Club  AND Chris 180! While that was a GREAT start to begin our work in those programs, it is not enough to take us through the whole year.

Suzanne Adams reached out and expressed her interest in supporting this mission. She is producing an EPIC experience at the SCAD SHOW theater where ticket sales will go towards providing sound healing therapy at Kate's Club!!!

Throughout the evening you will go on a powerful journey mixed with kundalini meditation from Leigh Mallis from Leigh Mallis Kundalini, a quantum meditation from Suzzanne, and a powerful and healing sound bath immersion from me! SoundEmbrace!!!

Suzanne will also share a 5-step process that you can implement right away to Quantum Leap into the life of your dreams.

Please help me spread the word. It is Thursday, March 21rst
THANK YOU for supporting this mission. 
Link in bio to sign up! 🥰

<3 Danielle

SoundEmbrace Episode 1 - Making Space: A love Story

Making Space.

With Valentines Day cruising right on by I am reminded of a talk I heard on giving your heart away. The speaker illustrated his view on love and suggested that rather than the perspective of “giving your heart away”, why not keep it, and, “make space” for them in your heart instead?  

I LOVE THIS concept! And it is something I have adopted.  Here is my version of this story.   

Making Space: A Love Story.

I met a handsome guy.  We “hugged it out” (because I hug everyone I meet) and we hit it off! Awesome! I felt a connection so I decided to let him into my heart… but not my whole heart!  I welcome him in offering only the space of the meditation cushion I have designed JUST for him.  Pretty SWEET, right!?

After he visits a few times I am shown by his actions that he really takes care of the space and totally digging my style for his meditation cushion! My trust in him grows so I decide I am going to give him a couch!  After all! We both work hard and sometimes we really just like to just Netflix + Chill! A couch is waaaay more comfortable for that!

One day, I realize that I really like hanging out with him… like REALLY like hanging out with him. Of course the feeling is mutual because we are both awesome people! So… I decide I am going to make more space for him in my heart by giving him a condo! I let him decorate it however he wants, including having the latest’s Nintendo, PlayStation, and/or Xbox!  Because lets face it! I am pretty independent and need my alone time from time to time!  Moving on!

Some time goes by, we are having fun and talking about the future.  My heart swells with so much love that it makes space to build him a mansion with a lake/ocean hybrid in the backyard for him to fish, jet ski, or ponder life’s mysteries! 

I look around in awe of the space I have created and have entrusted to this person. Everything is beautiful! And I feel amazing as I take in the love all around me. 

But then something happens. 
It wasn’t planned. 
I never saw it coming. 
…We break up. 
He moves out of house I built for him.

Anger fills my being and start trashing the place!  
I tear down pictures!  
I smash anything and everything! 
And then I set the house on fire! 

As I watch the house blaze up in smoke, I can feel the rise and fall of my chest as tears stream down my face. I think about the space I made for him. And I feel the void.

Although he has moved out of my heart, there is still this space that was left behind. So what now do I do with this space?  
Its not like the space goes back to where it started.  To become what it was it had to grown and to be stretched and molded!

I rebuild. 
I clean up the broken pieces and ash and build something beautiful and healing in its place.  Not to cover up where he had been or the hurt I felt, but to celebrate my capacity to love! For my courage to love! 

Maybe I build the dopest dance floor! 
Maybe I build radest water park! 
Maybe I build the SWEETEST sound healing temple made with sacred geometry and crystal walls! 

I build it to celebrate this beautiful space that represents my capacity to love and to love so, so, BIG! So that when I look across the landscape of my heart it is filled with beauty, and gratitude!

Eventually, it will happen again.  I will meet someone new. He will be cute.  We will hug it out… and I give it another shot. I will feel enough of a connection with him to make space in my heart.  I will invite him in to sit on a meditation cushion made just for him. And with time, I will gain the confidence through his actions to make a little more space… and then a little more. Opening myself up little by little, to experience the most courageous thing any of us can ever do, LOVE. 


Take a breath... this weeks schedule is OFF THE CHAIN!

Take a breath... this weeks schedule is OFF THE CHAIN!

It starts with ‘Relax in Sound’ this Wednesday, the 20th. I will be joined by Shawn Moore, M.S.  and Deron Singh! It will be Shawn’s first Sound Bath where he will be co facilitating playing the bowls with me! He doesn’t even know it yet! (Ok, now he does! 🤣) But he is ready!

The following morning, Thursday the 21rst, I will be facilitating a private sound bath experience for Ron Clark Academy, and then shoot up to East Cobb/Marietta to provide a sound bath for you at Bar Method Atlanta- East Cobb that night! I am STOKED to have apprentice’s Allison Bienenfeld and Stress less with Snehaj joining me in the facilitation for you!

Friday the 22nd is a doozy! Starting off the morning with Sound and Science for a group of 4th graders at Briarlake Elementary School, then off to facilitate a team building sound immersion and drum circle for See Baby! Then! The same night, I have the pleasure of being a part of a series of experiential art exhibitions “If I Told you” where I am creating a sound bath experience called “Empowered”... EPIC!

Saturday the 23rd... rest. 🤣

Sunday the 24th, things get a little shamanic with ‘Sound Journey’!Joining me will be Pisces Dreamer, Yoga with Larry and  Stress less with Snehaj. Bring your notebook for this one! Drumming, shakers, and gongs make this an epic experience. Especially when I bring voice in. 🔥 You would never guess that that voice came out of me... so I’m told. 💕

I’d love to see you at one (or all!) of these sound bath immersions. Sound Immersions have supported my clients and guests to relieve stress, reduce pain, elevate consciousness and so much more! I would love to connect with you around the potential this type of session can have in impacting your life. . Link in bio to sign up for all these great experiences!

<3 Danielle

Heart + Science

Heart + Science

The heart is actually part of our cognitive system, sending more messages to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. Electrically, the heart is 40-60 times stronger than the brain and is many more times stronger than any other electrical impulse in the body.

“The sciences of psychology and medicine are in midst of a major paradigm shift as research findings have uncovered that the heart is a sensory organ that can learn, hold memory and make independent functional decisions. Even more surprising is the fact that the heart displays qualities of neuroplasticity and that it can reorganize itself by growing new neural connections, just as the brain can do.” – Applied Consciousness .

Many times we are experiencing these feelings beneath the surface of our consciousness, yet our body is still responding to the conflict between the brain and the heart.

Having this understanding helps in showing ourselves a little more compassion.

We know that sound and vibration can be used to change neuroplasticity within the brain. I would hypothesize that it can do the same for the heart! Whether attached or single hope to see you at the next weeks sound bath, Feb. 20th! Link in bio.❤️

<3 Danielle

2019 Grammys!

2019 Grammys!

Pretty incredible to have the opportunity to celebrate music in this way. What a powerful tool music is to bring people together, to change mood and perspective, a powerful tool for healing and transformation! Having all the feels over here! Loved seeing ATL represent with nominations and WIN some Grammy’s! I am so inspired! Kennard Garrett , Shaan Singh, Simone Torres and Kam Corvet.  I hope the feeling carries on for you long past the event. I hope you carve out the time to take it in. Feel all of it! I hope this opens invisible doors to opportunities better than you can ever imagine! And that you are always surrounded by people who celebrate and love you through it all! ❤️

“Music is our shared global language.”

“Music reminds us where we can go.”

“Music helps us share ourselves and to invite others in.”

“Music Celebrates the greatness in all of us.”

<3 Danielle

How does your ego serve you?

How does your ego serve you? — for the facilitator, and the curious —

The topic of ego comes up all the time in the wellness space. And I was recently reminded of a podcast by Lewis Howes (EP 755 Mastering Your Ego) on the topic which sparked this post…

Somehow, you found me. Or, maybe I found you? In any case you decided to take a chance. You signed up for this thing called a ‘Sound Bath’. When you arrive you find yourself in line with about 39 other people holding blankets, pillows, and yoga mats. Its unlike anything you have seen… something that looks like a adult sleepover. With strangers... and Instruments you probably haven’t seen before...

People waiting in line to do NOTHING.

People waiting in line to do nothing while being ENVELOPED by sound and vibration.

People waiting in line to do nothing while being enveloped by sound and vibration TO FEEL something.

To release. To find relief. To find their way. To find hope. To _____

You are greeted with an embrace from me (the facilitator), you set up your space to get cozy, the lights dim, I sit behind my instruments and the shift happens... the attention goes from “Where do I go? What do I do? How do I setup?” To : head up, eyes forward, and present... I now having 40 pairs of eyes shift their attention and focus on me.

As a facilitator (as well as anyone performing or speaking) you can feel this shift in energy. People come to feel inspired, relieve pain, reduce stress, to feel whole, and for other reasons I may never have the opportunity to know. There is great responsibility as a facilitator. THIS is one of those moments you have a choice to make.

Serve others.
Or, be Self serving.

Know why you are there. Know why you are showing up. Know why you are facilitating. The ego has and still comes up for me just like anyone else. While the ego is not necessarily a bad thing, you actually get to choose when to listen to it. (Thanks for the post inspiration Chris Sweat.)

<3 Danielle

If I Told You...

If I Told You...

SoundEmbrace has been invited to be a part of a group exhibition called 'If I Told You…'

If I Told You… is a group exhibition consisting of work by female-identifying artists around themes of harassment, assault, violence and the treatment of the female body. This show will engage the community through a robust schedule of programming held in the space at The Beacon Atlanta

Each week of programming will revolve around a theme.

Themes to explore:
sexual health, domestic violence, healthy sexual relationships, hostile work environments (focus on arts community), trans women, youth/molestation, “being a good guy isn’t enough” – programs focused on men, self-care/healing

Check out the link below for more details. Grand opening for the series is February 14th and I will be providing a sound bath entitled EMPOWERED — setup looks the same, but the talk and the sounds will be very different. 😉— Sound Bath is Friday February 22nd! Hope to see you there! Thank you for the invite Pamela Barba and Medium Arts! What an honor!

<3 Danielle

Rain or shine!

Rain or shine!

I’m so excited to see you tonight! AND I will be joined/assistant by Shawn J. Moore  and Deaundra Audrey Cash (The Soulful Yogi)! Both have gone to my SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 class and are now a part of the apprenticeship ! I am STOKED for you to meet them!

Pisces Dreamer, Yoga with Larry, Deron Singh, Drum Circle Dave, Allison Bienenfeld and Stressless with Snehaj are also part of the apprenticeship so you will get to meet them at different sessions as well!

Couple of spots still available! Link in bio to sign up! And I will see you tonight!

<3 Danielle

Among the many forms in which human spirit has tried to express its innermost yearnings and perceptions, music is perhaps the most universal.

“Among the many forms in which human spirit has tried to express its innermost yearnings and perceptions, music is perhaps the most universal. It symbolizes the yearning for harmony, with oneself and others, with nature and the spiritual and the sacred within us and around us. There is something in music that transcends and unites. This is evident in the sacred music of every community—music that expresses the universal yearning that is shared by people all over the globe.”

From His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama (From Song of the Spirit: The World of Sacred Music)

Join me tomorrow, Wednesday, February 6th for 'Relax in Sound'. A Sound Bath supporting inner awareness that leads to self empowerment. Transcending time and space.

<3 Danielle



STOKED to be invited to provide 4 Sound Bath Immersions for WanderLust  in ATL (April 6-7) .

This 2 day festival is gong to be EPIC with so many local teachers taking the stage! Interested?!? Octavia RaheemJessica with Taylored for You Yoga, Lena Franklin, Rachelle Knowles, Light Watkins, Lauren Ash, Spiritually Fly  and Chelsey Korus to name a few!

See the lineups and click through to get your tickets before prices rise Feb 5th!!!

Photo cred: WanderLust

<3 Danielle

Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome.

Last year I was invited as a plus one to the Grammys. I was excited to go with my friend Martina Albano! Excited to celebrate music in this way! And I have to admit... I was pretty excited to have an opportunity to get dressed up!

But even through the excitement of the event itself, I couldn’t fight this feeling of not being worthy of being there. That there were so many other people who knew music, musicians, and the scene better than I did. Who were more of a “mainstream” musician than I was. Deserve it more, or could “hang” better than I could. It wasn’t until the final night that I was able to squash the Imposter Syndrome!

It was the after party and I found myself standing alone amongst everyone in the ballroom. Without really thinking about it I headed to the dance floor, closed my eyes and just went with the music. I let go, and everything seemed to disappear around me. Then through the movement, through the vibration, through the sound, I remembered myself. I remembered the importance of my work. I remembered what I bring to the table and that I was indeed worthy of being there! I then opened my eyes and danced my shoes off with a group strangers. (Bc... what else do you do when your friends are no where to be found! 😜) .

To seal the deal, our crew (ATL Chapter of the Grammys and I) shutdown the Grammys After Party chanting in unison “ATL! ATL! ATL!” making the perfect ending of the trip!

Fast forward, I was recently excepted as an Associate Member of the Grammys, so this year I’m going on my own ticket. I don’t get to go to all the pre parties like I did last year when I was a plus one, but I do get to go to the show and after party. I am excited to see the people I met from last year and meet the new! I am excited to share more about sound healing music! I am excited to CELEBRATE musicians and what they bring into the listeners lives. And this time, with no imposter syndrome along for the ride! ❤️

<3 Danielle

I know you’re stoked on that Super Bowl Atlanta!

I know you’re stoked on that Super Bowl Atlanta! But! Next week, Wednesday the 6th is the next sound bath... with my Super Bowls! 😜

Let me help you relieve some stress, relieve some mind chatter, and keep that empowered focus you reclaimed in the New Year. 7 Quartz Crystal Bowls, Gong, and Drums are ready and waiting to support you in easing through emotions, and improving mental clarity. I’m not going to have so many available days for you to sign up for much longer. 😉 Link in bio to sign up! See you next week!

<3 Danielle



Even through the rain Empowered Readers marched to  20Hundred Red Thousand books! I was so excited for the opportunity to be a part of their fundraiser! The smiles on these kids faces is worth more than anything. 💕

Friends! Check out what they are doing. If you are inspired to support like I am, go to www.empoweredreaders.org and click on “Why We March”. This will give you the stats and share how you may best support their efforts. Shuffle through the pics above to get a sense of the awesome things they are doing to support literacy in Atlanta!

This is supporting the mental health and wellness of our Atlanta community. And you know I AM DOWN FOR THAT!  Atlanta Leadership Club THANK YOU for letting me borrow your Empowered Readers scarf! LOL! I ended up buying one, too!

<3 Danielle

Feeling a little “EXTRA” this morning!

Feeling a little “EXTRA” this morning!

“You cant wait for your healing to feel Wholeness.
You have to feel Wholeness for your healing to occur. 
You cant wait for your new relationship to feel love.
You have to feel love so your relationship finds you. 
You cant wait to have that new job to feel empowered.
You have to feel empowered by the thought of your new job.” - Dr. Joe Dispenza

On a Quantum level we can cause an affect. In order for change to occur in our lives, we have to change how we think. We have to change how we feel. It’s a challenge because it means we have to be so present that we may allow ourselves the opportunity to become aware of the thoughts and emotions running on autopilot.

Its these thoughts and emotions that are anchoring us to the past and send us repeating the same things over and over. Once aware, you can decide whether or not these thoughts and emotions belong in your future. If not… bless them, and leave them behind.

Sound Journey, Sunday January 20th at The Center for Love and Light.
7 spaces left. Take what you need,l. Leave the rest.

<3 Danielle

Something New

Something New

Thank you to everyone who signed up for last nights sound bath at Bar Method Atlanta in East Cobb!! We had quite a bit of you who were new to a sound bath experience and I am SO EXCITED I got to be your first! 😉

If you know me... you know it’s important to me to create an experience for people who may have a similar perspective as I did when I first got into this work. SKEPTIC!!!! Hahah! The experience I created to make Sound Healing Sessions accessible is called “Relax in Sound”. No religious or spiritual talk, no incense. It’s an experience that centers around empowerment, relieving stress, and reducing pain through sound and vibration.

A few of you have mentioned you would like to take this work deeper. I’ve heard you you! AND IM DOWN!!

If, and ONLY IF, you have experienced a sound bath with me, are you invited to sign up for my NEW experience called Sound Journey.

This will be very different from ‘Relax in Sound’ as I will be using voice, channeling, and adding different instruments. I will talk more on connecting spiritually whether that is with a deeper connection to yourself, or with your guides. If this experience interests you, the first one is happening THIS SUNDAY! And there are only 8 more spaces available.

I look forward to connecting with you in a different way. This is a very vulnerable experience I am creating where I am having to show up in a way I haven’t done before to my audience. Thank you for trusting me to take you on this journey. I know we are both ready for it! 💕

<3 Danielle

2 spaces available for tomorrow nights (Thursday, January 17th) sound bath!

2 spaces available for tomorrow nights (Thursday, January 17th) sound bath at Bar Method Atlanta!
This will be my 3rd Sound Bath at this location... and wow! Thank you for welcoming me OTP! 😉

If you have that friend who has been on the fence, please let them know THIS WILL SELL OUT. I look forward to providing a unique experience that will support you in releasing tension, relieving the mind chatter, and easing emotions.

Be ready for hugs! You know I come packin’!

<3 Danielle

I know it’s Friday, but you’re really dreaming about SUNDAY!

I know it’s Friday, but you’re really dreaming about SUNDAY!

Westside! I’m coming for you! Come Relax in Sound this Sunday at West Side Yoga! Their space is beautiful and I am bring a few instruments I usually don’t travel with. 🥰 Sign with the link below, OR go to West Side Yoga ! Either way, for this one you will be signing up through MindBody.

Can’t wait to see you and hug it out! sound Healing 101 folks, well! I will see you tomorrow!! YAY!!

<3 Danielle

French Press to Stillness

French Press to Stillness

I am sometimes asked,
“How do you find time to meditate?” My answer, “I make time.” Literally... I put it in my google calendar, make an appointment with myself, and keep that appointment like I would any other appointment. DONE. And it feels really good to check it off my list. (I’m such a list person! 🙃) .

Meditation is not just for meditations sake. It’s an act of self care so I can show up FULLY in all areas of my life. (Or at least give it my best shot!) There is a quote that says, “If you can’t find time to meditate, you don’t have a life.” (Let me know if you know who said this. Thanks!) .

I didn’t believe it until I tried it for 5 days straight. GIRL! (ok... and BOYEEEEE) I started noticing more clarity, calm, and groundedness immediately! And that was about 5 years ago! I MAKE TIME EVERYDAY. Even if just for 5 minutes.

Pacific Yoga Fishtown and I talked about this when I was in Philly a couple of months back. I am naming it:


Check out my IG story to see how it goes. Essentially the idea is that most of us make coffee or tea in the morning. To help you get started with a mediation practice you look forward to, start by attaching it to something you already do and enjoy.

Let me know how it goes for you! Or! Share how you were able to make meditation a regular part of your day. 🥰

<3 Danielle